Tuesday, March 1, 2011


There is a quote I heard about a year or two ago that has always stuck in the back of my mind...
"A character is not an interesting character unless their story has a climatic problem that they somehow overcame."
Im not even sure if thats how the quote reads but you get the gist... I hope.
In other words we all have major issues and crap that we just deal with. But your story is not worth reading unless you overcame and rose above what threatened to take you down.
All the time it seems like the same story... "oh, she got drunk and ran off the road" or "he got caught dealing drugs and was put in jail"and on and on. Yea we remember those stories, but the stories that truly stick with us are the ones where the character came out on top.
We remember James Bond, kicking butt and always still alive at the end...
We remember Cinderella, trapped and escaping to live happily ever after with her prince...
There are tons more stories we all remember.
But is your story worth reading? ... Is it worth watching?
And when it's all over is it worth remembering?

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