Saturday, May 28, 2011

Weak Minded

There are many controversial things that surround our culture. The mere fact that our culture is the combination of many other cultures and religions causes us to question almost anything. We also tend to push in culture as things that we are supposed to do by laws of religion.
 Let me give a few examples: At Christmas time we put up a tree, decorate it and give presents to each other, all to celebrate the birth of our Lord... Where in the world does a pretty tree fit into that? (rumor has it that that tradition is a pagan one) Another example: Before every meal we pray to bless the food. Not gonna lie, it is a good thing to do, but I'm pretty sure that if we don't pray before we eat we will not die from food poisoning or something horrendous. The list could go on and on.

But one thing that does get on my nerves, slightly, and I think Paul said it the best "Knowledge puffs up but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not know as he ought to know. But the man who loves God is known by God." -1 Cor. 8:1-3.
There are a few things stated there that we all tend to forget. We might be on the path to Christ but we sure are not always right. Each of us have ideas of "the right thing" in our own mind that we apply diligently to our lives. When it becomes a danger is when you have decided that your "right thing" is the only "right way".

Let me pull up a subject that is of some debate between many denominations within Christianity. Alcohol. Now I am going to make a statement before anyone has time to judge. God brings to light, as individuals, what has come between you and Him. For every person God brings to light different things at different times depending on where you are with Him. If Jesus told you no on any matter, you should probably obey. If something was never brought to you as a conviction then thats between you and God.
 Anyway, there are many Christians that have there different stands on the issue of drinking. Some say that it is a big no no, and others believe some is okay. My point here is not on who is right and who is wrong. My point is simply, is your knowledge so "puffed up" that you cannot except the person that does not believe what you believe? What is that other than division? People cuss, people drink, people don't pray before they eat... who cares? If only our ideas of "right and wrong" define us then we are no better, if not worse, than anyone in this world. 

"... the greatest of these is love."-Jesus. This is what should make us "Jesus lovers" the cut above... love and nothing else. Are we so weak minded to let anything else define us?

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you write. I just want to deeply love Jesus and be known for my love for him so that He would get all the glory. Oh its a never ending battle.
