Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Beaten Path

She had been sitting in the same filthy spot for awhile. The same place she fell a day ago, and then just decided not to get up. When she hit, whatever it was, it hurt. As she fell to the ground there was nothing there to break her fall. She was all alone, in the dark and very confused.
Question after question raced through her mind like a thousand cars on the freeway, but she knew she could not tell where any of them were headed.
"I'm sick of walking," she decided.
Before she tripped she had been walking for a long time, it seemed like years.
Somewhere along the way it got very dark, like the sun decided to set, never to return again. No moon was out, not even a street lamp. It was so dark she could not tell the direction she was headed, or even where her foot would land next.
She told herself over and over again that she would figure it out. That she had it all under control and that, 'I was headed somewhere important'.
The problem was she was lost now, about the time the light disappeared so did the path.
"What am I doing?" she mumbled to herself.
"What are you doing?" said a strong voice, that burst from the darkness like a sudden gust of wind.
She didn't move, maybe it was in her head. Maybe there was no one really there. Her shame began to take over. 'If I don't move,' she thought, 'they might go away.'
"I can leave, but you won't find your way back if I do." they said gently,  a smile was in his voice.
'Way back?' her thoughts raced again, ' I was going somewhere.' Anger welled up inside of her like a boiling pot about to overflow.
"All purposes have a path, but you are sitting in unmarked territory." It was like he was in her head, every thought and emotion.
"I have been watching you, I was waiting for you to fall."
Her rage suddenly took over and she yelled "And you did nothing!?" she had had enough, "I have been walking around in the dark for days, and you said nothing... did nothing!"
"My light never grew dim," a tender grasp held on to her hand and slowly pulled it away from her eyes "you just decided to ignore it." His face was warm and kind. The expression He wore made her feel like she was His long lost friend that He had finally found. His eyes screamed.... Promise. "I am the way, the truth, and the light... where you were going was not where you were meant to go."
She tore her eyes off of Him and looked down at herself. Her tears of realization fell down her face and helped wash some of the dirt away from her bare cheeks.
"I'm sorry," she shook her head "I thought I knew what I was doing."
She pulled up her head to look Him in the eyes, thinking He would be disappointed, but His tears only told her how much He loved her.
A sudden smile overcame Him and He stood up offering a firm hand down to her. She slipped her hand into His and He pulled her up off of the place she fell. "Let's go back." He said.
In her mind, she very much agreed.

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