Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dear David,

I like David... you know, the guy from the Bible? This guy killed a giant, ruled a nation, and his family line would one day birth Jesus Himself. But I think the most that I really connect with him as a person, is that he was a man that struggled and suffered a lot.
Everyone thinks of him as this great king or this huge hero... which I think he really was. He was great in many ways. God even called him "A man after His own heart". But I don't believe God called him that because he ruled or killed an extremely large guy... I think it was because He knew the feeling of suffering.
David was told a promise at a young age, an idea that I'm sure he struggled with constantly. From the time that promise was declared to the time it actually came to pass, David was hunted, hated, and abandoned.
I love Psalms for the fact that it was basically the journals of David. Countless hours he spent weeping and Im sure wondering if this promise would ever really happen. Countless times longing for connection with those he loved but he knew it was not wanted by them. Constantly struggling with if God was torturing him or not.
This man felt in its deepest sense, but he never stopped. He pursued the only thing he knew was true. The one thing he cried out to and never denied existence of. He knew God was there and He cared.
David felt deeply and was "a man after God's own heart" because he was heavily burdened by life. Wanting, waiting and craving God and the promise that God had breathed into his life.
I wonder if God feels the same way about us.
He is waiting to be our King... but until then He suffers.
This is a God that has felt in it's deepest sense.
David understood a little of what God did.... suffering.

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