Friday, June 24, 2011


It took me a long time to figure out the difference in being given something and having a promise. You have probably "pinky swore" a few times in your life or even given your "word" to someone. But really we have never had the capability of holding and fulfilling a true promise.
A human being has no grounds for promises. A person is fallible and can never make anything a sure thing. What we have in us is not consistent. A Mom cannot tell her son that she will always be there for him whenever he gets scared, because the truth of the matter is she won't always be there to protect him. A ten year old girl cannot promise that she will take good care of her new pet dog because we all understand she will forget to feed him every once in a while. What we have as humans is not a promise we can keep but only something we can give one moment at a time. A gift is given but it never provides you your purpose just a way to get there.
A promise is something beyond our limits. God is Promise, never changing and always sure. Sense the beginning we were never given anything by God, we were promised it. He didn't give us life and life more abundantly, He promised it. God never gave us healing, He promised it. Jesus never gave His life for us, He promised it. A Promise is always the direction your going, a gift helps you along the way.
We cannot offer what we never obtained to begin with. That's why God is God and we are man.  Hold onto the Promise, and give what you have in this moment.

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