Friday, April 1, 2011

In Thunder

Ever sense I can remember, I have always loved storms. Thunder and lightning.
That is one thing I can remember me and my Dad doing when there was a storm off in the distance. We would stand out on the front porch or somewhere in the yard and count the seconds between the flash and the clap of thunder. I was never scared of how close it seemed to be getting, but I had an itch to chase after it when it started to disappear over the tree line. There was a connection with my Dad in those times that I will always remember.
About 3 years ago I was at a summer camp in Florida. It was a rough summer for one reason or another and one particular night I had lots of questions running through my mind. I was confused about relationships, myself, my future and if God was all He was cracked up to be. That night there was a tropical storm and it was pouring rain. I snuck out into the night and just sat overlooking the lake and watched the sky light up time and again. My tears fell down my face and mixed with the rain. I could not feel God near me and I wondered where He was. "Why am I here God? What am I doing?" Sometimes you get to a point where you wonder if it He is real. You wonder if life is just dragging you along with no intention in mind. You get to a spot where you forget where He brought you from, you forget how much He has shown you. And as loud as the thunder He said "I AM". Those simple words were like a wave of emotion and understanding. Soft but powerful, the words I AM said I wrote your path. I AM said I destined you for greatness. I AM said I am more than you can fathom. I AM made me feel a little like Job. There was a connection with my Dad that night that I will always remember. And after that night I don't think I could ever just let it disappear over the tree line.

To the children He is the Lamb. To the maturing He is the Lion. To the fully mature He is both Lion and the Lamb.

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