Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Fight

Together we stand,
Individually we are attacked.

We reached the mouth of the valley as the sun cleared the cliffs above. I could hear them coming... I could feel Chaos, just around the bend of the rocks. "I'm not prepared," was all I could think of, fearing the possibilities of the very near future. Another climax of my life was coming to it's peak and I was not prepared to fight this battle.
The first figures of the enemy rounded the corner, followed by a swarm of creatures that spread themselves throughout the valley filling the crevasses like a mold. I pushed forward to strike the first figure that I saw and with moves like an immortal being it swung itself around, cutting me where I was vulnerable. Instantly Terror struck my soul... I was alone and unprotected.
Every swing and slash that I threw did not affect this creature but every attack it made, made contact to the places left open. Seeing the patterns of its movements I learned how to strike, and with one swift movement I finished it. But Terror had still left its mark.
Quickly I moved ahead and was faced with another figure. Blocking it's first attack followed by a second. On it's third attack it found my weakness and struck me where Terror had first struck. With that Panic had set in. I collapsed to the ground with every ounce of energy drained from me. My eyes gazed from the creature above me to the thousands of sandaled feet fightng beside me. In my last attempts to stay alive I cried out to those that were always by my side. And in an instant they all drew their arrows, responding to the command for help. The figure immediately dropped its weapon and stepped back as my body gave in to it's exhaustion and my vision faded to black.
As my mind wandered from dream to reality a familiar voice repeated one word... "Rest."

Lord, let me rest in you. Prepare me. Heal me, and let your will be done.
One day I will see that figure of Panic again, and then I will see it no more.

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