Friday, July 13, 2012

Seek First...

Seek first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added to you...

From an early age I realized that I was the only person that truly new what I wanted most in life. I also knew I was the only one that could get it. It was hard for me to lay those delicate things into someone else's hands, for fear that they would be taken away. I struggled and reached after so many things that I knew that I wanted, but because I was ignorant of the truth they only hurt me further.
Oh the things that we run after because we have a hole in our hearts, and it constantly reminds us that we are not complete. We have a longing for our dreams or passions but the effort we put towards them only puts us further behind. MY efforts are efforts based off of emotions and longings, but there is someone who's efforts are out of the purest love and intentions. My efforts can only go so far, but when I lay those things down, an all knowing God can pick them up and put things into motion.
I'm 24 and I now I have realized that I am not the only one that has my best intentions in mind. Not only does He have my best intentions in mind but He can carry it further than I ever could have.
"Wait on Me." He said. "I will give you the desires of your heart."
So here I am, just past midnight. All I can do God is wait on You. I will seek You. I will seek Your Kingdom... trusting all else will be added in Your own good time.

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