Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The God of Our Emotions

I hate to cry, especially in front of other people. Their first reaction is "Awe... You Okay? What's wrong?" and I always want to say "Nothing". Of course that is a lie, and there always is something going on but I just don't want to tell them... It is hard to deal with your emotions because, well, it hurts.

I used to get mad all the time, instead of crying my issues out I would just wear all of my irritations on my face and instantly jumped on anyone that I felt challenged by. Any smart individual would be able to look at my story and the emotionally erratic story of another and know that there is something going on inside. They are broken somewhere in their soul and the crack is oozing these gross emotions.

Have you ever seen a person that has shut off their emotions entirely and is unfazed by anything? It is almost scary, and the scariest part is that there is usually some kind of action that has surpassed their emotions that they are doing to try and feel something... or nothing. This is why people are cutting themselves, becoming addicts, and sleeping with anything that walks.

All of these things and the actions of society tell us that no one knows how to deal with emotions. We run from what we feel or we get awkward when someone else spills over. An emotion is the blood to our soul, if it is oozing out then there is a wound somewhere that needs to be patched up and worked on, not ignored. If ignored it gets infected, then we will try anything to feel better and numb the pain, sex, drugs, food, whatever.

I love music, I used to listen to all kinds but in these past few years I have only really listened to worship type music. You ever wonder why music is such a big deal to God. I mean He had an arch angel over it, Lucifer. He knows it well. Music, no matter what you listen to, triggers an emotion. Eminem makes people all angry, Beyoncé makes people feel hot, all country makes people sad, but worship...

The entire concept of worship, musical or not, is to put our focus on God, to acknowledge who He is. Music triggers the emotions we might have, sort of like a magnet to metal right? If music shows us that there is an issue and we are bleeding somewhere then musical worship is when we can focus that issue on God.

Songs of worship are chalk full of lyrics like, "On the throne, glorious, victorious, sovereign over all" and, “wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way" and, " I believe you're my healer..." If you are going through a rough time it's hard not to show emotion while you are really in deep worship to God. Why? Because He is what our soul needs, like relief from the pain of a deep wound.

God medicates us IF we really worship Him in those times of brokenness, through love, acceptance, forgiveness, and even strength. Do we really worship Him though? It really puts a new perspective on our times in worship. If we were really worshiping God and taking our issues to Him then would some of us still be as emotionally unhealthy as we are? Bottom line is we all got crap that needs to be fixed, and if you don't you will very soon.

Worship Him. He is bigger than what you are feeling and he will give you the wisdom to deal with your issues. He will make it better. Worship Him because He is God, the God of our emotions.

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