Friday, October 2, 2015

Let The Loudest Man Win

React to the voice of the Loudest Man by doing what they demanded. We react in fear or in urgency but we never question the motive. What is the truth? What is the emotion? What are we going to believe? This is the little information I know, so this is what I think. I will believe what I am told, because it must be true. Why would it not be? Why should I think different from you?

Let the Loudest Man Win... let the loudest win our approval. Let society yell it's opinions so we can follow it at will. I will not question, I will not ask. I will not hesitate to believe, because to question is to fall flat. To question is to go against the grain of society, it marks you as different from the crowd. It says they are not the same and must be cast out.

The Loudest Man is the wind that directs the branch's wave. The Loudest Man catches all the attention and captures every eye. He wears the brightest colors and writes his words in the sky. He demands the attention of the people to stroke the ego of his soul. So everyone will know him and everyone will know.

Just because they blow does not mean you have to bend. Decide what is right by what is true not by the flavorful words of man. Quite the Loud Man in your mind and decide to lean into the whisper. Truth is awakened in the stillness. A quite mind has time to ponder. Words have power, if you react without thinking. Loudness can move you if you are unsure of where you stand. Root yourself in truth, then for sure you will not bend.

Let the Loudest Man Win you over and you will be wrong. The ones that stand alone will find one another and carry the truth away with them like they have all along.

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