Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Day Dawn Broke Over the Horizon

The world has been so dark for some time now. I wish that my eyes would adjust to the thick molasses of lacking light, but the only thing that lets me see is this small tube of radiance I have carried with me in these past years. My tiny flashlight I keep focused on the path in front of me, in case of any obstacles that might suddenly present itself. I feel as though I have missed what I was looking for. I might have wandered away from those small distant cries instead of toward them.
I stop and scan the surrounding area as far as my light will reach. Nothing. I stand very still hoping that my ears will pick up the faintest of noises. Still nothing. What was I looking for? What did I hear that caught my attention? Why am I out here, alone, in a very unfamiliar place?
Overwhelmed with thoughts and confusion I take a knee. Holding my light with one hand and placing the other into the cold dusty earth, I take a breath and close my eyes.
Help me remember...
And like a flood of emotion, flashes of the multitudes overrun my thoughts. Face after face race into my mind and each one is bearing the weight of their present hurts. The knowledge and experience of their individual pains hit me like a ton of cement, that continues to become thicker and heavier with each passing second. Tears stream down my cheeks and breathing increases to be difficult. A cry like I have never felt wells up inside of me, trying to hold it in is almost impossible.
And like a weight that suddenly lifts, a loud billowing sob is heard. Recognizing that the sound was so close to me, I immediately thrust my hand in the direction of the oppression. I swing my small light around and my eyes meet the multitudes. Just one face. One suffering heart. One person hurting and lost in the dark."Let me show you The Way", I say.
And with that, I remember.
That was the day dawn finally broke over the horizon.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Look and See that the Lord is Good.


Every drastic change in your life makes you see what you failed to recognize before. 
I feel as though I have been on a chase... a chase for acceptance, or maybe a chase for self identity. Growing up in the chaotic world I grew up in, my identity was not my own. It was whatever I was told I was, or was to do.
 I feel as though too many times I find myself begging God to give me direction, but what I was really saying was, tell me who I am so I can be that.
Yes I was created, but I am defined by me.
God sees us for what He created us to be but who I become is determined by my choice.
What do you want....

I don't want to be defined as an old characteristic
I don't want to settle for anything less than what my heart desires
I want to be used for something greater than myself
I want to know Your heart
I want to love like You love me

I was created for good things, what defines me is the passion and desire for those good things.

In the beginning God created us and said that it was good. We walked with Him then, in the Garden. I want that. Closeness. I don't even want to ask God for a direction anymore. I just ask if I can walk with Him.

And I see that the Lord is Good.