Monday, August 8, 2011

Just Show Up

Every Christ follower remembers their first real meeting with God. I remember my first "God moment" as a teenager. It was an experience that I couldn't even fully grasp at that young of an age. I was 14 years old and what I had experienced of God was intense, so intense that every meeting I had with God for a long while after that was based off of that first encounter.
My paster the other day said a simple phrase that drew it out so simply like pencil on paper. He said "I used to walk away from my devotions thinking that I didn't do it right because I didn't get a certain feeling or I didn't pray like I should have. But later in your walk you realize that its not about what you do right or wrong, it's just that your there with Him".
I will be honest to say that it wasn't until after I graduated BMMC that I realized this concept and how powerful just "being" with someone is. I remember that even in times when I got together with friends that what we did together had to be epic or it was pointless. And in a lot of ways my relationship with Christ was the same way. We base the intensity of our lives off of emotional experiences and we forget to just experience. We have forgotten how to simply be with each other, and in that we don't know how to just be with God. He doesn't want anything from us but us... yet we continue to demand more and more of Him.
After that first encounter with God I quickly fell back into my old holes because I thought I wasn't engaging like I should have. When really all I had to do was show up.

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